Hotel du Leman 2021.06 0350 11 smWith the following form, you can apply to participate in the 14th ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics, which will be held from 19-21 June 2025 as a hybrid workshop on site at the Hotel Léman in Jongny s/ Vevey (Switzerland) and via zoom.
The topic of the workshop will be defined in late 2024 and you can find more information and the program on our homepage.

Please be aware that places at the workshop are limited and will be attributed on a first come first serve basis to eligible candidates.

Closing dates for registration

  • Applications for onsite participation: 15 April 2025 (first come first served)
  • Applications for online participation: 1 June 2025


Application form MME Workshop 2025

  • With this form you can apply as a participant of the workshop (or register as faculty if invited).
  • If you want to apply as a speaker of the workshop, please use abstract submission form.

Select to modify mode of participation (Onsite, Online, Faculty)
Workshop fee: 0 CHF
Workshop fee covered by organizer for invited faculty members.
Enter faculty code as provided by email or select different mode of participation.

Personal information

As to be shown on the course certificate

Contact information

Switzerland +41
Select country from dropdown and then complete your mobile phone number.

Affiliation and Address

Members Swiss Armed Forces

Bei Zulassung zum Workshop
  • werden die Kosten für die Teilnahme durch die Schweizer Armee übernommen.
  • wird Ihnen ein Marschbefehl für die Teilnahme am Kurs zugestellt.

Travel information

If you require a visa, you must submit the necessary applications yourself.
Please not that extra costs will be charged. Contact us beforehand.
An airport shuttle will be organized for Geneva airport only. Pickup at the train station Vevey is also possible. Tick applicable boxes.


Please indicate if you have any dietary requirements. We'll do our best to meet your requirements.

Please confirm the following

Tick boxes for confirmation before proceeding